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Generic Name: Lyrica for Epilepsy (pregabalin)

Lyrica for Epilepsy Reviews

"I was put on Lyrica for severe pain cause by shingles. A wonderful side effect was it controls my seizures. I have a better quality of life now. I am light sensitive. The triggers for my seizures are flashing lights, lightening strikes, fast TV editing, fluorescent lights, sun light etc...Lyrica is my life saver med."

"Awesome Medication! Decreased my seizure activity substantially, and was more effectively then the hydrocodone products I was originally prescribed after a severe leg fracture pain. The decrease in pain took less than a month! It was as effective or more effective compared to Norco. I can't wait for this generic to come to market! Last note. Awesome control of my MDD and anxiety!!!"

"This was supposed to be an additional medication to help with my grand mal seizures. It didn't work for me. It made it difficult for me to speak. I could think of the words I wanted to say but I seemed to develop an odd stutter and twitch. I also gained a lot of weight, which wasn't so bad since I was too slim. I went from 105lbs to 150lbs in just over six months. After being off the Lyrica for one year I now weigh 115lbs. My seizures didn't decrease in severity, length of episode, or occurence per month. Lyrica did not work for me and actually caused problems. Please research before taking this medication."

"Worked wonders at the start. Was up to 600mg a day. I don't eat the best but I do think this did make me gain weight. I live in the great white north but I struggled with balance, fell often, and also had trouble putting my thoughts into words. These side effects are now gone now that I'm off this. Balance and communication much better now that I'm off."

"I was optimistic about this med, as I was feeling pretty good emotionally. Unfortunately it caused me to have six seizures in a day, which is rare for me. I tried Lyrica twice on two separate occasions, this being the second, but we didn't know it was causing it the first time. Ultimately, I had high hopes but it was a big disappointment. Actually, more than a disappointment, it was straight up dangerous. Disclaimer: I know this med helps a lot of people; this is just my personal experience."

"I gained 30 lbs in 4 months, which was quite depressing. I think larger appetite was part of this. My doctor didn't say anything, but I found it frustrating. I also find it still hard to express myself (although this was a side effect of my last medicine, it is better now, but not great). I have also found increased numbing in my arms and decrease in emotion."

"I started Lyrica in June of 2021. 75mg twice a day. 7 months later, I quit taking it. In that time I was having auras two to three times a day. A couple led to tonic clonic seizures. That was not the case before being prescribed the med. I did not have daily events prior to taking Lyrica. Since it’s discontinuation, the daily auras have stopped. Now I took the med 15 years ago, and it helped my seizures a lot. But your body changes over time. Other side effects were bad hunger cravings, and memory issues. Both returned to normal after its discontinuation."

"Brilliant so far, has stopped my seizures mostly, I've gained a stone in weight which is good because I was underweight. Love it. Gives me a lovely feeling of well-being as a bonus"

"I took Lyrica as I had a tumor in the head in the areas of perception and sensation. It helped with the epilepsy, convulsions and peripheral nerve pain"

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  • During pregnancy
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  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: gamma-aminobutyric acid analogs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Lyrica drug information
  • Lyrica (Pregabalin Capsules)
  • Lyrica (Pregabalin Oral Solution)

Other brands

Lyrica CR

Professional resources

  • Lyrica prescribing information
  • Pregabalin (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Lyrica CR

Related treatment guides

  • Neuropathic Pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Neuralgia
  • Postherpetic Neuralgia
  • Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Epilepsy