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Generic Name: Minirin ()

Minirin Reviews

For Diabetes Insipidus "I was one of the person testing in early 1970 Minirin as I have a familiar diabetes insipidus. I was amazed that first time in my life I don’t feel thirst nor I had to visit the toilet extremely often. Since Minirin was introduced in the market (about 1974) I am using that nasal spray. Probably I’m at the age of 74 the oldest person of that medication. No problems whatsoever up to now."

More about Minirin (desmopressin)

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  • Reviews (1)
  • Latest FDA alerts (2)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: antidiuretic hormones
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Minirin advanced reading

Other brands

DDAVP, Nocdurna, DDAVP Rhinal Tube, Noctiva, Stimate

Professional resources

  • Desmopressin monograph
  • Desmopressin Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

DDAVP, Nocdurna, DDAVP Nasal, Noctiva, Stimate

Related treatment guides

  • Diabetes Insipidus