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Generic Name: Probuphine (buprenorphine)

Probuphine Reviews

For Opioid Use Disorder "I spent half my adult life addicted to opiates. Every effort, every treatment, every commitment failed. Probuphine is the only treatment that worked long term. I was able to immediately have a normal life without cravings, or worrying about Suboxone regimens. It works, it saved my life."

For Opioid Use Disorder "This is an amazing drug. Suboxone was like a miracle drug for me but I always felt like it's effects would wear off prior to the next dose. On Probuphine I feel completely normal, don't have cravings, don't have those fluctuations in feeling it's effects. I don't ever feel it's effects- just feel normal. My mood has been good, sleeping well, and it has been handling my chronic pain okay so far. Maybe the greatest thing is not having to deal with the pharmacy every few weeks. That always stressed me out. Now, medication is just always there! It's awesome!"

For Opioid Use Disorder "I seen this drug work, change the lives of people that go on it. Amazing drug finally living a normal life and not worrying about forgetting to take it or losing it."

More about Probuphine (buprenorphine)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (4)
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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Probuphine drug information

Other brands

Belbuca, Subutex, Butrans, Sublocade, ... +2 more

Professional resources

  • Probuphine prescribing information
  • Buprenorphine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Belbuca, Butrans, Sublocade, Brixadi, Buprenex

Related treatment guides

  • Opiate Dependence - Maintenance
  • Opioid Use Disorder