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Generic Name: sodium sulfate, potassium sulfate, and magnesium sulfate

Brand Name: Suprep Bowel Prep Kit

Suprep Drug and Medication User Reviews

Absolutely horrible. Not my first rodeo. By far worst tasting crap on earth!! Don’t agree to it! There are other preps. It also made me feel nauseous and cramping. I didn’t even get yo next dose yet. What a horror!

First timer here and based on reviews had some concerns on how it would go. Took anti-nausea drug hour before just in case. Mixed suprep with ginger ale & drank mixture in 10-15 minutes. Tasted like a margarita with the salt on rim - not bad. Drank a lot of smart water & let it work its magic. Did the 2nd dose a few hours later & had a great colonoscopy - good for 10 years! The hardest part of this for me was the liquid diet. Don't fear the suprep!

After reading the bad reviews for this, I almost cancelled my procedure. I have severe emetophobia and the idea of getting sick from the prep made my anxiety shoot through the roof. Reading the good reviews and receiving some pep talks from the family really helped. I decided to go through with it and I’m glad I did! The prep taste is pretty awful, I have to say. I just added water and two packets of lemonade crystal light in an attempt to make it more palatable. I followed the tip of taking 4-5 ounces at a time, allowing myself a couple minutes before drinking the next small glass. This made it fly by much easier. 30 minutes before my first dose I took a Zofran, but I didn’t use it for the second round and it was fine. Everyone has a different experience, but I hope my positive experience eases any nerves. I am writing this about an hour after my procedure and I just ate a huge salad and I feel good! Good luck!

No problem taking this. Note: we're talking here about the new suprep where you take 1 6oz bottle mixed with 10oz clear liquid (water or other clear drink), then 2 glasses of water (16oz each), and then repeat that routine either that night, or the next morning (depending on your appointment time. The taste is no better or worse than other preps I've had, but the quantity is much less. Here are some tips to make the procedure easy to do: 1) mix the suprep with dilute lemonade; 2) get a wide straw (like the kind they use for bubble tea) so you can drink without 'savoring' the taste too much in your mouth; 3) cut a lemon wedge to taste after gulps; 4) for me it was usueful to put markings to divide the 16oz cup into 6 portions. Every 5 min or so, I'd drink 1/6. Seeing my progress was reinforcing. No need to gulp all 16 oz at once. Between gulps watch a video, read, do something you enjoy -- no reason to make this feel like such a big deal. I felt fine, got 100% clear, and would use the same prep again next time. You've got this, no problem.

I didn’t read any reviews when I first started my first does. After the first sip I got on line to see how anyone could possibly finish this stuff. I truly contemplated just cancelling my appointment but after no real food for 2 days I was determined to just get through this part of it. My first does was started at 5pm the day before my procedure. After reading many reviews - quickly because my doctor said to try to get it all down within 45 minutes - I decided to put ice in the mixture, use a straw and get a lemon wedge. I began taking 3 big straw fulls, lick the lemon wedge and rub my tongue around my mouth - it kinda cleansed it and got rid of the awful taste. The first dose took me the full 45 minutes to finish. The second does was started at 4am the day of the procedure. I filled the cup with ice and the mixture and had my lemon wedge handy. I did use Gatorade to mix with it. It only took me 15 minutes to get down the second dose. I was very bloated after both doses and nauseated more after the second one more than the first but I’m sure it’s because I drank it faster. Both nausea and bloating pretty much gone after an hour or so after using the bathroom and lots of burping. I rated ease of use low because this is NOT easy to take - but it worked as intended.

This medication is thee most foul tasting liquid I have ever ingested. Traumatizingly awful. That said, it took 6 and a half hours for it to produce a bowel movement (initial dose at 1700, 2330 before bowel movement.) I would much more strongly recommend Sutab which I think is just the same but in pill form. Will avoid this utterly wretched tasting liquid.

I want my $60 back. First dose went down ok. I drank it cold and with a straw. I would take sips of lemonade after to kill the nasty taste. Started feeling the effects within a half hour. Took it at 1630. By 1730 I started feeling odd. Kept having heart palpitations, the corner of my mouth started twitching. By 1930 I got the chills and started throwing up. Violently. I stopped cleaning my gut out by then. Then the stomach spasms started. They were worse than a diverticulitis flare up. I would sleep for a few minutes then the spasms would wake me. I had to get up at 0100 to start the second round. Did the same thing. Ice cold and a Straw. I took one drink. About a minute later threw it right up. By then I was in tears (I have a high pain threshold but this was breaking me). I called my doctors on call service and told them I just could not do it. They still did the scope thankfully. As of tonight (one full day after prep) I’m STILL vomiting every time I drink something and the abdominal cramping is still just as bad. I just want this crap OUT OF ME

I started my Suprep thinking it would not be bad. I tasted like grape cough syrup and heavy salt water together. I added some flavored sparkling water it helped some. had very bad diarrhea with first dose. Barely got the second dose down. lost so much fluid, Had Colonoscopy. and the doctor was only able to do half.

This product Suprep Bowel Prep Kit is expensive, doesn’t work, made me sick and tastes awful! I just used it per doctors instructions, followed their instructions to a T and it was horrible! First of all it tastes super nasty. I only had one hour of sleep and was up all night puking and having bad stomach pains with diarrhea. Called my doctor this morning day of colonoscopy and told him I still can’t stop going to the toilet, my stool is still brown not clear and he cancelled my appointment and rescheduled it. All of this torture and suffering for nothing! Insane! Why does Braintree still sells this outdated junk? Common sense would dictate that someone would make it work properly and greatly improve the taste.

I have debated whether or not to write a review regarding Suprep but feel compelled to since my experience was quite bad. This was my third colonoscopy, having prepped before with Golytely both times. Accordingly I knew what to expect ... or so I thought. Golytely was not a great experience so I was hopeful that this new, low volume Suprep would be better. Wrong. Much worse. I had over 12 hours of severe nausea, over 12 hours of unbelievably intense tooth chipping quality chills, repetitive vomiting and emotional panic that I was going to have to go to the ER rather than to my colonoscopy. I had to call my GI doctor at 3 am for help and guidance. My colonoscopy was almost aborted. I was only able to keep the second Suprep dose, taken at 4 am, down long enough to finally start having clear bowel movements. Immediately after seeing that I was “in the clear” I let myself throw up the rest of the Suprep, which I did, over and over and over again. Three days later I am still having problems with diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain. Suprep is wicked stuff. It worked for me and I had a clear high quality colonoscopy, but it also damn near killed me. Suprep is very harsh and, in my opinion, dangerous. Use something else if you can.

This is the worst tasting prep! There has got to be a better way. It's a horrible experience. The only thing that makes it worth it, outside of the Dr giving me a good report, are the drugs they use to pit you under

Works as advertised and tastes awful

Been reading the reviews. I just completed colonoscopy with suprep. Being honest, it is awful tasting and not pleasant at all. You have to just power thru it. I did mine chilled thru a straw, frequently stopping to chase it with lemon ice. But... people keep saying it's 16 oz....it's not.....because it is mandatory that you also consume two more 16 oz bottles of water after the suprep 16 oz mix within 1 hour. For me, that is a chore and really not fun. That is a lot of water intake in about 1 1/4 hours. It does the job intended but my first dose eliminations lasted more than 8 hours. Because I had a 7am appt, I had to shorten the period between first and second dose and not get any sleep. Started taking second dose at 1 am and thankfully, the bowels were ready for inspection at 7. I'd rather have a heart Cath than go thru this prep again.

Most importantly, it results in an excellent bowel prep. Since it's 16 oz to drink (at each of two sittings), it's possible to chug while holding your breath. Unfortunately, it's absolutely awful stuff, but at least it's only 16 oz rather than a half-gallon. The second dose was harder because my mind knew what to expect and put my body in rebellion... but I got through it. My doctor said this is his preferred prep because of its effectiveness at cleansing the colon.

Drank what tasted like pure salt..Gagged the whole time. Drank 17 more oz. & was DO NAUSEOUS! Its been over an hour & all I've done is feel sick. NO results yet.

The taste was absolutely disgusting. I almost vomited a few times during the drinking of it. There has to be something they can do to make it taste better. This alone makes me feel sick about having to take the second dose, cleaned out bowel ok but not worth it. I will try some other method next time.

Worked very well, but taste was almost unbearable. I had to fight urge to vomit, which gets more difficult with every gulp. It did the job, but no better than the Gatorade/Miralax, which tasted good!

This version of cherry flavor tastes much worse than the previous 4 times. It also gave me a splitting headache, which earlier versions of this brand never did. I am very unimpressed!

It took me three years to build up the courage to go through with a colonoscopy simply because of the prep - not the colonoscopy itself. I am NOT a water drinker. YOU CAN DO IT!! Ask your friends and family to pray for you! God is good!!!!! Here is why I give this prep 5 stars across the board. FIRST: I took the advice of all of the positive reviews. I also stopped reading the negative reviews. By doing this I made an unpleasant experience very doable! This is a 6 oz. clear liquid - you only have to take it twice mixed with 10 oz. of your choice of clear liquid- THE DAY BEFORE and then THE MORNING OF. I practiced each day a week before drinking 16 oz of water. I poured 2 to 4oz at a time into a small cup until I finished the water bottle. I knew that would cover the prep drinking - so glad I did this!! BUY SMART WATER FOR THE ELECTROLYTES - it helps keep your body in check because obviously you lose all of that liquid. 1. THE AMOUNT IS DOABLE!! 6oz is the prep- 10 oz is your choice of clear drink mixed with it. 2. It is NOT a SLUDGY mix - it is clear and like water in consistency. 3. I DID NOT TASTE IT because I took advice from the positive reviews- I mixed my 10 oz of smart water with two crystal light lemonade packets and then mixed the 6oz prep with it. I poured about 4oz into a small cup at a time and drank it. It makes it feel easier. I plugged my nose even when I took breaks between ounces and I swished the juice from a lemon wedge after each 4oz or so and spit that out- so I NEVER TASTED it. I also swished a spoonful of hot chicken broth sometimes. No taste- was amazing to me as so many others have bad experiences with taste from other preps. 4. I WAS ABLE TO JUST DRINK TWO 16 OZ SMART BOTTLES OF WATER AFTERWARD- not more prep. I just sipped water over an hour and a half to two hours and finished. I am a non water drinker- so this is doable. 5. I had a little plug in heater and kept it close by per advice from these reviews - that made it so much more comfortable. 6. I used aquaphor and baby wipes and patted - no more explanation needed. Also advice from these reviews. That proved to be a very good tip! 7. I did have 5 hours of sleep before I had to wake up to do the second dose. I gave myself an extra hour to get everything ready to feel calm for both. 8. I did buy jello, banana popsicles, chicken broth, ginger ale (which I don't normally drink) and sprite. I did not really need the sprite and ginger ale. That is ok - I was happy to have what others advised. I did not eat any solids the day before and stayed true to the prep directions - when I was hungry the popsicles and jello and broth did the trick! I ate very gentle foods about four days before as well, but I did not do a liquid diet until the day before. I read and caught up on texts and watched some youtube about three hours both times- totally doable!! I had no side affects. The taste was barely detectable - it might even be fine not plugging your nose with the crystal light, but I didn't try it out. The colonoscopy is the easiest part. YOU CAN DO IT!!! I hope this encourages you!! I am so whimpy, but I DID IT! I know you can too! My colonoscopy came out well and I will do this in ten years. Now I have ease of mind!

I was asked to use Suprep Bowel Prep Kit Oral before a colonoscopy. I'm 61 and this was my 4th colonoscopy in about 12 years. I was given instruction about the reduced fiber diet starting five days before the procedure and liquid diet the day before the procedure. I followed the instructions carefully. The night before the procedure I took the first dose of 12 pills and took the water per the instructions. It took three hours before I started discharging. I felt uncomfortable and it felt like my colon was inflamed. The discharge did not feel complete because my colon was so inflamed and tight. At 02:00 the next morning I took the second dose of 12 pills and finished the pills by 02:20. I stayed up and drank the required fluids (water) and started discharging at about 03:45. I colon was tight and felt inflamed by the pills. The discharges came in spurts with great pressure and my anus swollen. I was very uncomfortable. I went to my colonoscopy appointment at 07:00. My procedure was at 07:30. I was given fentanyl for the procedure. The Doctor did remove 1 to 2 polyps during the procedure. The procedure was painful. The Doctor felt bad because he knew I was really hurting. The Doctor said that the Suprep Bowel Prep Kit did not clean me out completely but he was able to complete the procedure. I hope there's a Class action suit brought against this Pharmaceutical. I have a high pain threshold but these pills caused me undue pain and suffering.