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Generic Name: Topiramate for Seizures (topiramate)

Topiramate for Seizures Reviews

"I deployed to Iraq in 2012. I had my grand mal seizure at the age of 21 after a mission. Was sent home for testing. I was put on other sezuire meds that absolutely sucked. Then my neurologist prescribed me Topiramate. It was a rough first few weeks with new tastes and tingly hands and feet but slowly the almost constant minor seziures I had in my right arm were gone. I love this medicine. I haven't had a grand mal sense October 2013."

Topamax (topiramate) "Was given this for seizures.Yet lost 83 pounds was full diabetic when I started this medicine now I am insulin resistance and my over all readings are 69. Which they are saying not good. I seem to sleep a lot just can't keep these glucose up bone is not hungry. Have to put alarm on phone to eat or I won't eat. Started taking vitamins and juicing to assure I get something in being I am thirty too. Though my eyes are bad in light and memory is like a dream lately. Toes can't feel, fingers tingle, mouth water mean I drool. No headache, smoke less, no seizures, loss weight, no diabetic. Can't have it all I guess"

Qudexy XR (topiramate) "So I've been taking Topiramate for 3 yrs for seizures & migraines (both of which have disappeared.) Yes, the side effects are terrible, especially the word searching & insomnia. But my seizures were debilitating, & I was having migraines 3x a month, so I can deal with the side effects. My biggest problem is the lack of appetite. Because of my insomnia, my doc switched me to Qudexy, which is topiramate in a time release capsule. When I was taking regular Topiramate I did lose weight, approx 60lbs in 2 yrs & then the weight loss stopped. I went from 200 lbs-140 lbs. & I very happy with that. Since I switched to Qudexy 2 months ago, I've lost close to 20 lbs & have no desire to eat. I feel like I'm force feeding myself. I dont know what to do."

Topamax (topiramate) "I started taking this medication as soon as I was diagnosed with an inherited seizure disorder. Although I haven't had a seizure ever since I began to take the medication (which is good because the meds are working) the side effects were horrible. I would often feel very disoriented and saw a great amount of weight loss. This may not apply to everyone because everyone is different, but that was my experience with this medication."

Topamax (topiramate) "I was given this medication Topamax because of seizures caused by migraines. My left and right eyes were sending signals to the Occipital part of the brain milliseconds apart. After over 20 years of bad migraines and seizures Topamax cured my problems and now I have seizures about twice a month rather than virtually every day. The seizures are far milder when they occur."

"I was prescribed Topamax after experiencing 2 seizures from extreme stress, anxiety, and insomnia for an extended period of time. I have a history of anxiety/mood issues, and have tried several SSRI's and other medications with no success over many years. I had given up hope until I tried topamax. Within the first few days I knew something was different. My anxiety was erased for the first time in 15 years. I was happy again, and was looking forward to spending time with people. This medication completely turned my life around. If you are stuck in a anxiety/depression hole with very little hope, please be patient. There is something out there for you. Topamax has side effects, but you get used to them within a month, its well worth it."

"Controls seizures in concert with keppra. However others do as well. My career and life require cognitive function. This med continues to depreciate memory and function over time. I have been using it for a long time. More than 15 years I think. I did lose weight however managed diet and exercised. It certainly helps. Summary if cognitive function and memory are high on your list of priorities select another med. There are many options today. Don’t pick it for weight loss. Skinny and stupid is not what you want"

"I went to a new doctor and mentioned to her that I had a binge eating problem in addition to having PCOS(also causes weight gain) and recently being diagnosed diabetic. She put me on Trokendi XR and told me it would help with the binge eating and OMG has it! Not only has it changed the taste of foods, where before foods I would normally eat all of in one sitting, I now only eat a literal serving size of and don't physically want anymore, and most times don't even want to eat unless I'm physically hungry. I HIGHLY recommend trying this instead of surgery or letting them put you in a hospital if you an overeating problem. Surgery should be a LAST resort! Good luck to all! <3"

"This drug did help to prevent my partial complex seizures. I took 25mg a day for three weeks and tried to increase to 50mg a day. What a change just 25 mg a day made! I had very intense side effects. I was moody. But also I pretty much felt like a took 10 doses of NyQuil and was trying function in my life and work in some sort of normal way. It made my eyes have weird flashes of color. And it created weird twitches in my hand and my face. As the drug would wear off toward the evening, I would get get intense anxiety. Not the drug for me. My hair also started falling out."

Topamax (topiramate) "Started taking it to replace an expensive pill that wasn’t working. Had high hopes. Then while watching tv all of a sudden everything when dimmer and I began having eye pain. Then during three seizures of 18 seizures I had during the 2 months I took the pills I urinated in the middle of seizures, yes peed my pants down the front were the pee reached almost to my ankles. Because of this embarrassment and my eyes beginning the going blind side effects I contacted my Neurologist and he changed me to the next option ASAP. My eye site is slowly returning to normal."

"I used topamax/trokendi for seizures it works wonders considering I have uncontrolled seizures. I have only taken it for 3 months and also lost 10 lbs in it as well I am back to my pre baby weight which I wasn’t even trying but that’s a blessing in disguise. I’m finally experiencing some relief considering the misery I live in on a daily basis which if you don’t have seizures you’ll never understand the pain and suffering"

Topamax (topiramate) "I’m 25 years old and have tried many meds for my seizures. I had 3 brain surgeries and was on lamictal, vimpat and clobazam. I needed to go off of clobazam because my body was adjusting to the drug. I started Topamax and it improved my nighttime seizures and the side effect of weight loss was great because all others cause weight gain. I was weening onto it and was sent for bloodwork on the lamictal levels but the day after, my neurologist called. He said I needed to stop the topamax immediately because the average liver enzyme level is 50 and mine was at 1,000! I wasn’t feeling bad or anything but he is an experienced neurologist and said he had never heard of this happening to anyone before. It’s sad that it happened because it was decreasing the seizure frequency and the weight loss was working but it poisoned my liver. It sounds rare but it worked. In my case that why I rate it low."

Qudexy XR (topiramate) "This med side effects outweigh the benefits of it those of us with a fast metabolism have a hard time just trying not to lose any weight have no energy or ability to even remember what you were about to do I only wonder how bad it's gonna get only been on it a year 200mg xr combined with 200mg dilantin twice daily got to be a better way"

"My wife had seizure behind the wheel & involved 2 other vehicles. She was prescribed topiramate, and lost weight from 140 to 95 lbs. muscle & tissue in 3 months (very concerned)& her bone structure is showing through her skin. She still hardly eats since being prescribed, lost/still losing hair. She just had an eye exam & her eyes have developed a "film", her skin is extremely dry & sagging, she gets irritated easily & sleeps 9+ hrs./day.... Her blood results were OK, as well as xrays & cancer tests were OK. Her Dr. REFUSES to take her off, & have spoken w/her PCP & she says she can't do anything to take her off. I'm not on this drug, but seeing what my wife is going through, I DO NOT RECOMMEND this drug. Is there anybody that can help us?"

"Topamax is an uncertainty at this time. I took it decades ago and because no med or mixture of meds controls seizures sufficiently for me I'm circling back. I've noticed major neurological feelings (e.g., tingling) transmitting down my legs to the point that it keeps me awake for many hours, which results in sleep deprivation and then seizure activity. It's not good at night. One reason I stopped the med years ago is because it can cause kidney stones. Not anything I want on top of seizures plus the tingling, foginess, and fatigue caused by Topamax."

"I loved Trokendi! Easy to take and have been completely seizure and migraine free for 4 1/2 years. Unfortunately my insurance refuses to pay for it and I have run out of patient assistance. So very thankful for the help I did have as I have been unable to find a drug that I am not allergic to or that doesn't have serious side effects. I really miss Trokendi. It just worked great with out any problems. It's a shame the insurance company dictates what is and what isn't allowed."

"Been on several different meds for my epilepsy. Take it in conjunction with Tegretol and Keppra. Works great initially but loses its potency after awhile. Dosage has to constantly be increased. Side effects experienced include: Increased urination, trouble searching for words / memory problems, and depression. Although, I think, the depression is linked to other influences it might aggravate the symptom. (50 yr old male, mid America)"

"I took Topamax for a very long time without incident, but despite not following a Keto diet or other specific dietary restrictions, I developed a case of kidney stones that in ER 5 doctors missed in 3 years. Their treatment destabilized the seizures bc of their method of treatment and it finally resulted in a mild case of incontinence. I liked the way it worked initially, but not the final problems."

"I was put on this for epilepsy. It has stopped my grandmal seizures. That's cool. Being in combo with keppra. But it was also supposed to help with weight loss. It hasn't. I have been on it starting in November at 25mg every two weeks adding another 25mg. Till now its at 100 mg in morning and 100mg at night. And that dose has been for a month now. Still no weight loss. When will I see weight loss?"

Topamax (topiramate) "I took this med Topamax years ago about 2003 for seizures,(thats what it was made and intended for years ago ,migraine was an off label use) I didn't have hardly any noticeable side effects but was changed to another seizure med after around a year."

Topamax (topiramate) "Topamax has caused me to feel dizzy and hand tremors I wish I could select a 0 instead of a 1"

Topamax (topiramate) "It helped with the essential tremor, however I experienced weight an appetite loss alongside with paresthesia."

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  • Drug class: carbonic anhydrase inhibitor anticonvulsants
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Topiramate drug information
  • Topiramate Extended-Release Sprinkle Capsules
  • Topiramate Tablets
  • Topiramate Extended-Release Capsules
  • Topiramate Sprinkle Capsules

Other brands

Topamax, Trokendi XR, Eprontia, Qudexy XR, Topiragen

Professional resources

  • Topiramate monograph
  • Topiramate (FDA)
  • Topiramate Capsules (FDA)
  • Topiramate ER Capsules (FDA)
  • Topiramate Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Topamax, Trokendi XR, Eprontia, Qudexy XR

Related treatment guides

  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome