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Generic Name: Vivitrol (naltrexone)

Vivitrol Reviews

For Alcohol Use Disorder "I'm a 40-year-old who has been a drinker since age 13. I've drunk hard liquor, malted liquor, beer, anything alcoholic. I've used drugs in the past, a lot, however, booze is always my go-to to get the motor going. The only times I did not drink were when either I was in prison, unsuccessfully rehab stays, or detoxes. Other than that, I was drinking. I wanted to try this injection because I had tried naltrexone pill form in the past and I got massive migraines from it. Needless to say, I have been out of prison and off parole for 7 years, got my own apartment but kept drinking and getting into scuffles without the police in the middle. I drank my last drink on Monday, and called to ask for this shot on Tuesday. I got it, and the rest is history. I had no symptoms, no withdrawals, no side effects, no bad dreams, nothing but the good things that came with it. Sobriety, and free of cravings, free of thoughts, free of desires."

For Alcohol Use Disorder "I have struggled with alcohol for 15 years. Major depression & severe anxiety. Nothing took the craving away. I am surrounded by alcoholics & my husband is an alcoholic. I got a promotion at work, and one morning I went to work and thought I was going to die. I couldn't take it anymore & told them I had to go to the hospital. I detoxed at a great facility. They were incredible. They saved my life. I had previously been asked if I wanted the Vivitrol shot & I declined. This time I begged for the shot. Best decision I ever made! I got my 4th shot last week. I have no cravings. I have mental clarity. I'm off antidepressants. I have lost 27 pounds. Side effects...my body aches but I'll take it. I have no appetite so when I do eat, I eat healthy. Except for chocolate. I am extremely grateful for Vivitrol. I know it has saved my life. I actually died on my birthday a couple of years ago from severe alcohol withdrawal & critically low potassium. Didn't stop me from drinking again. Vivitrol did."

For Alcohol Use Disorder "Imagine your favorite food. Let's say it's pizza. Now you're at your favorite restaurant that serves pizza just the way you like it. But something is different, and you're just not in the mood for pizza, so you order something else. That's exactly what Vivitrol is like. You can think about drinking, but you're just really not in the mood for it. Also, if you're an alcoholic, you've probably been prescribed an SSRI by now, and with those, it takes weeks to start working, but Vivitrol is pretty immediate, it only takes maybe an hour or two to become really effective. If you're reading this, you've probably tried all the unless things out there, and it just can't reach that itch. Vivitrol is about as close to a magic shot as you're going to get for alcohol problems."

For Alcohol Use Disorder "I have been sober 2 months with my first VIVITROL shot! Alcohol was my poison. Nothing could stop me from going to any convenience store to buy my daily 24 pack. Since the first day, ALL of my cravings have disappeared! I have 'debated' with myself to 'test' this injection, however, I immediately lost all interest. No explanation other than that! Just zero interest. After 30 years of this poison - poof!! Just like that! If you struggle with addictions of all sorts, VIVITROL is your answer!! No joke! It works!!!"

For Alcohol Use Disorder "After battling the bottle for 30 years, I am so grateful that I found this. I tried everything from AA to SMART Recovery, and to be honest, while each program has its good points, they did not take away that urge to drink. This did. Instantly. Vivitrol has really been a blessing because it not only blocks the urge to use, but it goes the extra step of blocking the high if you do drink. I was just a garden variety alcoholic. I drank around the clock. I would even drink in the shower. The funny thing is I never bought into the disease model even while I was sober for years at a stretch. I would eventually pick up a drink because the urge, that voice, the beast was always there. Not anymore! Vivitrol stopped the brain imbalance that made me drink."

For Alcohol Use Disorder "After partying almost 30 years in a successful, trouble-free life, I began taking Antabuse pills a few years ago without a recovery program. I was told about Vivitrol and it interested me in quitting my prescription hydrocodone, benzo, and drinking. My first shot was 10 days ago, and it does make your mind content. I can tell the drug is wrapped around my receptors. If I were to attempt to take a drink, it feels like I already had one. Not taking pills is no big deal either. I still take a sleep aid at night and Aleve or Ibuprofen for anything else. I am now experiencing eating and sleeping like I've seen normal people do all my life. A spiritual feeling should come along with that for those of you who are willing to make a change."

For Alcohol Use Disorder "I started going to a clinic to get extra help on top of AA. My alcohol use had gotten to a very, very dangerous level. I would flirt with sobriety through AA, getting almost to 30 days, then a bad craving would hit and I couldn't resist. Then I found out about Vivitrol. After my first shot, it cut my cravings down tenfold. Now, 4 shots in, I rarely have a craving, and when I do, it's manageable. This has allowed me to concentrate on my recovery without also battling cravings. I'm 95 days sober today and so grateful."

For Alcohol Use Disorder "It's a blessing and a miracle!! I have been drinking for 35 years, arrested 18 times, homeless, raped, baker acted (involuntary commitment), lost dogs, almost died of alcohol poisoning. None of that stopped me! Vivitrol is the only thing that has taken all cravings away. Good luck to you all."

For Alcohol Use Disorder "I'm 39 and been drinking practically daily for 25 years. Mostly just beer but it got to the point where 15 beers a night was the norm. Wife and I decided to quit and she did cold turkey (of course) but I didn't go so easy. My med doctor recommended Vivitrol and I thought 'what the hell'. Took a shot in the butt that day and when I left I decided to test it. Drank as normal but magically the pleasure of drinking just wasn't there. I would physically feel the effects but it was not pleasant and the hangover as if I were in high school. That was the last time I drank...nearly two weeks ago. Cravings are very sparse and I'm seeing the world differently. I feel better, people say I look better, and my social anxiety doesn't seem anywhere near what it used to be. Essentially I just feel more confident. This is a miracle drug at this point as I haven't been sober this long since before I was allowed to drive. Good luck to you all."

For Opioid Use Disorder "I was a heroin addict for four years. I went through inpatient rehab twice and outpatient once. My family was at the end of their rope. In a final 'Hail Mary,' my parents decided to give Vivitrol a try (in conjunction with group and individual therapy sessions). I have been clean from all opiates for 18 months now. The turnaround I've made in my life is remarkable. Medication used to treat addiction is tricky because it will not work unless the patient truly wants to get clean. Nothing will stop an addict who wants to use from using. The only side effects I've experienced have been mild sleep disruption, but I am glad to be awake and sober rather than sound asleep and an addict."

For Alcohol Use Disorder "I took my 1st Vivitrol shot around 9/10/14, 2nd - 3rd - 4th - and the fifth shot 01/04/15. By injection 30 days apart. I can honestly tell you that I have not had any cravings for alcohol since the very 1st day of the shot. I can personally tell you that I have not had any side effects. Some people may have, but I have not. I now speak at my rehab center (Clarity) where I was at. I'm a firm believer in Vivitrol. Saved my life. I will take it for a year."

For Alcohol Use Disorder "I just received my second Vivitrol shot. I am so glad that I did. It has helped curb my cravings, and I have had no side effects. I've been a heavy drinker for 16 years and have struggled with relapsing for a few years. I know this isn't a cure, and this is a daily disease that should never be put on the back burner, but not having the cravings where the only thing I can think about is that next drink helps a ton. To anyone that is thinking about trying Vivitrol, I would say stop thinking about it and do it."

For Opioid Use Disorder "I am a 28 y/o male. I used all drugs from about 12, but only opiates and then IV heroin for about 10 years straight. I went through at least 7-8 rehabs and detoxes, and endless county jails. In all those years, I never had been able to stay clean for more than a month on purpose. I've been clean now for 1 year, 8 months, and a day. Vivitrol saved my life without a doubt. I was on it for 13 months with intensive outpatient treatment and as many NA meetings as I could get to in a week. I had some issues sleeping with the first shot, but after that, the side effects were only a headache here and there. Freedom from active addiction is worth any cost. Give it a try, if I could do it, I promise anyone can."

For Opioid Use Disorder "I'm 21. I'm a heroin addict. I didn't have anything else work for me. When the suboxone was out of my system, I'd relapse. Nothing ever worked for me. I had been putting off the shot as long as I could, thinking 'well, what if I get hurt or break something and need painkillers?' Then I was fed up. I had lost everything, and I was an inch away from losing the love of my life. I made the decision to get the shot. I've had it a month now and was clean 2 weeks prior to getting it. Now I feel back to myself again. There's no feeling like it. I can wake up in the morning and roll out of bed to go to work when before I couldn't physically get out of bed without doing a half gram. I highly recommend getting this shot! You won't regret it!"

For Alcohol Use Disorder "Vivitrol has helped me maintain sobriety for the longest time ever since I started drinking about 5 years ago. Not one craving! However... I have developed bad acne on my back and neck areas. But the side effects don't outweigh the benefits, so I choose acne over alcohol. :-)"

For Opioid Use Disorder "So I've been on the shot for 4 months now and ALL I CAN SAY IS THANK YOU. I'M ALIVE AGAIN AND SO GRATEFUL AND HAPPY!! Got my life back. I'm a better mother and person. This shot saved my life. No cravings, no thoughts about percs!! Just living life LIKE WE ALL DESERVE!! Xoxo NEVER GIVE UP!! It's the best choice in life you will ever make!!"

For Alcohol Use Disorder "I am looking forward to my second injection. The obsession of taking a drink has been diminished significantly. I am motivated and happy. I attend 12-step meetings and do everything suggested from the fellowship, however, this medication has taken me to the next level in my sobriety. It is merely a band-aid to my disease, and support is still extremely important. I recommend this medication to any chronic alcoholic who has a problem staying sober."

For Opioid Use Disorder "Be 100% sure all opiates and methadone are completely out of your system. I had taken 60 mg of methadone 6 days before I got my shot. I told my doctor up front that I am not a chronic methadone user, maybe used it 4-5 times in the span of 2 months when hydrocodone wasn't available. It threw me into the worst withdrawals of my life. I have had severe withdrawals in the past, but this was so very intense unlike anything I've experienced before, for 2 days straight. The doctor said it would be fine at 6 days, but he was wrong. 15 minutes after the injection, I went into full-fledged withdrawal - severe cramps, spasms, fever, vomiting, freezing yet burning up. Make sure it is completely out of your body before you start. If you test positive for methadone, don't take the shot, wait it out."

For Alcohol Use Disorder "I have been on Vivitrol since November 2016. I have remained sober for 5 months. The urge to drink went away, and it felt good knowing that even if I drank on the shot, I wouldn't feel the warm fuzzy feeling that I was so addicted to. So recently, I did drink, and I feel so terrible - shakes, sick to my stomach. Alcohol withdrawal is terrible, and it really sucks. Now I know why I love feeling sober. Vivitrol has not only kept me sober, it truly saved my life because I know that I have control of my life. I would recommend this to anyone who has a problem with alcohol. It truly takes the cravings away and helps you find yourself."

For Alcohol Use Disorder "This Vivitrol shot has literally saved my life. If only it had been available 10 years sooner. I have almost 2 years sober now with no cravings whatsoever. It's like it just shut the alcohol switch off in my brain. The only side effect is that on a couple of occasions, I've noticed some slight dizziness."

For Alcohol Use Disorder "I am a chronic alcohol relapser and found the injection helpful. Not only mentally, is it a deterrent. It definitely curbs the 'feeling' found in a drink because I did test it. The second shot only makes it more potent and you get better with time. Combined with meetings every day, and the shot, I have a better chance at an alcohol-free life."

For Alcohol Use Disorder "Vivitrol injection on 9/19/2019. Can you drink? You can, but it doesn’t feel good. We know alcohol is a depressant. I always enjoyed the euphoria and was too drunk to recall the depression. Drinking now makes me feel heavy, dull, and a bit nauseated. I failed the oral dosage because an hour before drinking, I was salivating for the buzz! Now, I only have to be strong once a month while my resolve is strong. Now I can drink like a normal person if I want. I’ve been sleeping long hours of good sleep. I had been living on vodka, smoothies, vodka smoothies, and whatever junk was deliverable after I was intoxicated. I’m eating better now. I have an 8:30 a.m. tomorrow. Sucks, but I won’t have a towel nearby for 6 a.m. vomiting. I also won’t be up for a morning run, but I will awaken unafraid to check my texts."

For Opioid Use Disorder "I have been a heavy opiate user for 15 years. I did have years staying 'clean' using Suboxone, but once I got divorced, I became depressed and relapsed. My addiction took off, and I ended up using IV heroin. At that point, trying to go back and use Suboxone to stay clean was impossible. It took an overdose and a 30-day treatment to make the decision to get the injection, and it saved my life. Best drug in the world. I know people have fears of breaking a bone or being in severe pain while being on a long-lasting opiate blocker, but as a paramedic, there is one opiate narcotic that will not be blocked by Vivitrol... I won't tell you which, but all docs and paramedics know... so have no fear, DO IT! I have never been happier."

For Opioid Use Disorder "Vivitrol is amazing. My daughter just received her 9th shot, and my son his 3rd shot. Before this shot, my kids' only worry was their next high. Today they are enjoying life as college students! We tried other options like Suboxone & Zubsolve, as well as several rehabs. It always ended after 60 or 90 days with relapse. This shot has allowed my 2 youngest (19 & 21) a chance at a real life. They tell me they have no cravings, and the best part is that it's not a daily choice to take a medicine. They only have to make the decision once a month. Of course, they are using the Vivitrol along with A LOT of counseling. The hardest part for the addict is to stay clean the 7 days prior."

For Opioid Use Disorder "I started Vivitrol in January 2015 after getting an OUI Drugs & a heroin possession charge because I knew I needed to stop using, but I didn't really want to. Between January and April, I got my monthly shot but I still tried to use every now and then (but I couldn't get high). My insurance was cancelled in May, so I took the opportunity to get high. I ended up getting another OUI & spent a month in jail till my next court date. I went straight from court to my doctor's office to get an injection and I've gotten one every 28 days since (07/15 - 07/16). I'm not sure how Vivitrol affected my cravings because my first time on it, the thought of giving up heroin was devastating to me. Now I can't believe how much time I wasted getting high. LOVE VIVITROL!!"

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  • During pregnancy
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  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: drugs used in alcohol dependence
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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  • Vivitrol drug information

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Revia, Depade

Professional resources

  • Vivitrol prescribing information
  • Naltrexone (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Alcohol Use Disorder
  • Opioid Use Disorder