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Generic Name: Xigduo XR (dapagliflozin-metformin)

Xigduo XR Reviews

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at age 39 (male) with an A1C of 6.8. After my glucose readings started to elevate, my physician put me on 2000mg of Metformin which didn't even touch my glucose levels. My A1C was now up to 11.9. My physician started me on Xigduo XR and I noticed a drop after the first pill. Within a few days my glucose was in the pre-diabetic range. Now my A1C is down into the low 6's and I haven't even started exercising yet. I still don't eat sugar and I try to watch my carbs, but if I splurge and eat a bunch, the highest my glucose will reach is about 200 postprandial and then it comes right back down. So far I haven't had any side effects. Hope this drug works for the long run."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "February 2019 - A1C was 8.4 with a fasting blood glucose (BG) at 184. I was started on Xigduo XR 5 mg/1000 mg and Metformin 500 mg. May 2019 - A1C was 5.9 with a fasting BG of 89. Also, in the same time frame, I lost around 20-25 pounds. I haven't had any negative side effects to date. Complete opposite from my experience with Ozempic, which was terrible."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Age 51, male. A1C was well over 10 when starting Xigduo, along with high blood pressure. Cholesterol was fine. Started both an ACE inhibitor and Xigduo at the same time. I would argue I don't have the most constant diet, but I exercise a lot; very active. Swim 2,000 yards a few times a week and ride more than 20 miles on a bicycle at very high sustained heart rates. As of my last doc appointment, A1C was 6.7. Morning blood sugar measures 82-90 consistently. BP is now below or at pre-hypertension. Mood is normal (i.e., not the impatient grump ALL the time, lol), and my physical fitness level and endurance seem peak right now. I do have to watch if I don't eat regularly; feels like I drop pretty easily in those situations. I imagine the dose will be lowered."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "On 11/09/15, failed DOT physical due to glucose of 576, A1C @ 14. Did not even know I was diabetic. Went to Dr. ASAP. Placed on Xigduo 2x daily. This a.m. my glucose was 121. It has declined and averaged out, thankfully! Please note, I am a city bus driver. I eat healthy, as in rarely eat fast food. However, when I drive, I eat TONS of candy and gum. It caught up with me and changed my whole life view for the better! Take care of yourself!"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "This drug helped me to lose weight and I am now free from high blood sugar levels. I walk 13 km without problems. This drug seems for me to be a miracle. I am very happy that I got this drug. It is very good. NB! I get this drug with trulicity. It works for me so far, and I don't know, but I hope it will work for me very well in the future."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "T2 Diabetic since last 10 years. A1C averaged to 7.5 for the last couple of years. Last year, my doctor moved from Metformin to XigDuo 5mg/1000 (2 pills @ AM). Lost weight around 17 LBS in last one year. Since last two A1C checks my rates came down to 6.5 constantly which is quite encouraging results for me. Started exercising 5 times in a week since last 2 months and am expecting better results. For now, XiGDUO+Food control + Exercise should give better results"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Started on Xigduo 10 months ago, have lost about 10 pounds without diet changes. I do have issues with yeast infections- but noticeably worse when I am eating too much sugar- when I monitor my diet I have fewer problems. My obgyn gave me some cream to use that helps address the jssues-don’t be afraid to ask your doctor for some. Overall xigduo has really helped lower my a1c, and make me think about my food choices. I do have some nausea in the evenings if I take it in the morning, but I just remind myself that the benefits outweigh the symptoms- and it does make me limit my evening and nighttime snacking which has always been my weak spot."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I have been taking this medication for a little over two months. 1 10mg/1000mg per day. I love the benefits weight loss down 8 pounds, BP is Excellent. Only downfall is the side effects of yeast infections. I'm only considering changing medication for this reason."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "This drug caused severe constipation, abdominal pain and heart event for which I had to go to hospital emergency! This drug will suppress your appetite. I have discontinued the use of Xigduo due to severe adverse side effects."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Was diagnosed at 40 with type II diabetes. BS was 16-20 mmol/L. Metformin made almost no difference except to make me very nauseous. I was taking up to 2500mg/day. Had to switch to novarapid insulin but even then the blood sugars would shoot up while I slept and hit 14-15 mmol/L when I woke up. Lantus (long acting insulin) didn't make much difference at all. I was shooting 35-50 units/day. BS levels would ricochet up and down even though I drastically changed my diet to eliminate carbs. Switched to Xigdou and now that's all over. Consistently 8 mmol/L unless I eat cake or something similarly suicidal. Still get a bit nauseous but nothing's perfect. Already suffered some organ damage but hopefully that's abrogated."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I take the regular Xigduo 2x day and I lost weight almost 40 lbs in 4 months. When I got diagnosed diabetic my a1c was 10.5 and it dropped to 5.5 in 4 months. I coupled this drug with intermittent fasting, lunch and dinner, took medicine 5-10 minutes after eating and almost no side effects, maybe some temporary blurred vision as my glucose levels change and level out from eating. I stopped losing weight simply by being a bit more forgiving with my eating and such, but if you are strict you will lose weight with this drug. My blood pressure return to normal as well in a short time (probably due to weight loss). It's been a miracle drug for me, my friend and family can hardly believe the change in the physical appearance. I look 10 years younger. The magic is that you simply urinate out the extra glucose, it give it somewhere to go other than keeping it in your body. This fixes that with the one two punch."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I've been taking Xigduo XR 5-500 mg once a day for about a year now and i've lost 10-15 lbs since I started. I cant find any negative effects while taking it. It appears to work better than the Glipizide that i took for a while. The only bad thing is my Co-pay for this Medication is $15 with good health insurance, and it would be $625 without insurance, and that is for a 1 months supply. That is a lot of money. Over all I give it a thumbs up."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I been taking this medicine for 14 months 10/1000mg one time per day. My A1C was 14 and three months later it was 6.6. My blood glucose used to be around 250 to 499 now it’s been 121. This medication saved my life and I lost 27 pounds."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "bad medicine. I don't find good results after using it many times I found the tablet completely in my poo so sure there is no absorpation for the medicine in the stomach. (Editiors Note: it is a slow release tablet and occasionally, the inactive ingredients of Xigduo XR will be eliminated in the feces as a soft, hydrated mass that may resemble the original tablet.)"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "I started Xigduo 10mg/1000mg 1 tablet per day 4 months ago A1C was 10.9 three months later A1C was 6.6 and I loss 10 pounds."

For Diabetes, Type 2 "Xigduo has affected me negatively, I cannot get an erection now even with taking Viagra"

For Diabetes, Type 2 "recurrent UTI, severe crampy feeling after passing urine, once in 6 weeks. Urine smells odd. no weight loss. dosage 500/5"

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  • Drug class: antidiabetic combinations
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Related treatment guides

  • Heart Failure
  • Diabetes, Type 2