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Generic Name: sibutramine

Brand Name: Meridia oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

BEST MEDICINE OF ALL TIME! PLEASE BRING MERIDIA BACK!!! Just take away whatever side effects the FDA didn't like! My doctor gave me a 90-day prescription right after Menopause in my late 30's, ballooned over 250 lbs,high blood pressure,2 hours sleep a night,anxious and severely depressed. WHAT A COMPLETE LIFE CHANGE! I immediately noticed that I was "focusing" with no mental fog, organized, no anxiety or sick feeling,energetic, slept 8 straight hours,craved ONLY nutritious foods and water and enjoyed sex. My daily life was always stable and evenly happy with no extreme lows anymore. I woke up at 6 every day,exercised,ate a full breakfast,went to work, ate light veggies,fruits, yogurt and proteins during the day,full dinner with fish,salad, nightly completed tasks from my list like organizing my cabinets and closets,cleaning the garage,sewing a quilt,riding a bicycle,reading a book and then always falling asleep between 10-11 pm sleeping through the night. After 2 months, I had lost a lot of weight without dieting or ever feeling hungry, no hypertension with great health and best of all my relationships were wonderful and my life very happy. I went back to my doctor after 3 months and he said Meridia had been taken off the market and that most people loved it. It takes only a few people, but I don't understand why people can't be allowed to purchase it if it's overall a good drug with few side effects. Every drug on the market today lists several side effects. I check online for Meridia every year hoping a drug similar to it will be on the market. I'm elderly now suffering with constant mental fog, lack of focus, lack of energy, severe sugar cravings and depression. It would be a great blessing to have that drug once again in my life.

I lost the weight and then it was taken off the market. I had so side effects and I wish there was something similar on the market.

I had been taking Meridia for about a year when it was pulled from the market. When I began treatment, I weighed nearly 300 lbs. I was depressed and my total cholesterol was nearly 400! With Meridia, i was able to lose 120 lbs!!! I felt wonderful, no side effects. The constant cravings were gone, and I was able to eat sensibly. Food was no longer my constant obsession. My MD called me his " Meridia Poster Child." It changed my life! Then I lost my right as a consumer to continue to receive an effective treatment for an obvious disease called obesity. There are risk in everything, and I feel that we as consumers should have more input in our own treatment, and options. It's now 2014, and my weight has gradually crept back up to 230lbs. I was a Meridia success story, and firmly believe that I was on the right path to long term weight loss in addition to better health.

this medication was great at suppressing appetite. I did not have any cravings at all. I felt full with small to moderate amount of food. I stopped taking it because I started feeling quite depressed due to the meds. I was losing weight, but was becoming depressed. I felt the trade off was not worth it. Every responds differently to medication, so each person will have to try the med and determine for themselves.

I lost 32 lbs. in the 6 months I was on Meridia. The only side effect I had was dry mouth, and that encouraged me to drink more water. I am so upset that they pulled this off the US/CA markets. My dr. had me do an echo. of my heart before starting this medication as well as weekly blood pressure checks at first and then monthly.

I was taking Meridia for 2 months, lost 12 pds. Was happy with weight loss, no problems only to find out they are recalling it. Does anyone know another prescrption that can be taken in place of Meridia? I go to the dr in January, I just hope I don't gain the weight back !!

I have been taking 10 mg of Meridia daily in conjunction with increased exercise and better food choices. It has been extremely effective for me. I lost 120 lbs between Nov 2008 & Mar 2010 and have maintained my current weight of 175 lbs since. My doctor is currently weaning me from the Meridia and I am now taking it only 3 times per week and not experiencing any weight gain or increased hunger on those days that I do not take it. i have had no negative side effects. In fact, it has improved my disposition, outlook on life, energy levels, and libido too! I cannot say enough good things about it and the lifestyle change it has helped me make. I am a 63 year old 5'11" man who has now returned to his normal weight through a change in lifestyle and the help of Meridia.

I had orginally took Meridia for a year and lost 60lb. No side effects. I found myself not thinking about food all the time, but rather things I needed to do on a daily....what a releif that was. I could focus on my job and not on food. I have found though, some weight will creep back on. A yearly maintenance works. Buy the drub overseas........not nearly as expensive. I was 56 when I started this for fear of diabetes II. I had no blood pressure or heart problems when I started. Can stay on this drug for up to 2 years.

I'm just finishing my 3rd month on Meridia and I've lost 42 pounds. It's quite amazing with very little side effects. I'm done at the end of this month. But it's like everything else, it's not a miracle drug, YOU have to want it and Meridia makes it a little easier. I would recommend it to anyone that doesn't have any medical issues.

I started taking Meridia in Janaury and by April I had lost 25 pounds. I have had no side effects and it curbs my appetite wonderfully! I did not get my medication from my doctor however, I bought it in another country - which was MUCH cheaper and affordable. I continue to take it and I love it! I hope to lose another 15 pounds. I feel and look great!

I started on this about a year ago and lost 25 lbs. Have felt great and was able to keep it off by just going on lower dose 15mg to 10mg. After the year, was taken off and already gained all the weight back within 3 months. Wish I could stay on this, felt perfect while I was on it!

I Started Meridia 3 days ago and noticed that I feel full quickly and don't crave sweets. My medical insurance covers just about the entire cost I pay 10 dollar co-pay. so far no side effects. Hope it helps me.

I am 28 years old, 5'2, and weigh 235 lbs. I am anxious to begin this new medication, in 5 1/2 hours when I pick it up from the pharmacy. From reading the reviews, I am more hopeful that this will give me the boost I need to begin losing weight, also with diet modification and exercise. Thank you for the honest reviews...I shall return to post my thoughts.

Medication worked well, but when I went off of it I gained weight. And it is too expensive.

Works well, but is expensive. Phentermine is much more effective and cost a lot less (Meridia $130 Phenermine $30). I took Meridia 10 mg for ten weeks and lost 18 lbs with little excersise. I experienced no side effects and was very happy with exception to the cost ($130 a month). My doctor prescribed Phenermine to try instead and so far (only been on a week - lost 4lbs) so good.

I have been on this drug for 2 weeks at 10 mg, and have really seen no effects!! The first 2 days, I had a full feeling and was a little more energetic, but that wore off. I have tried to eat healthier and less of it, as well as walk a little more, I have not gone bonkers with the diet and exercise. I hope the 15mg will work much better, this is no magic pill you have to work with it - a lesson Im learning and at $125 per month thats not a cheap lesson

Started this med begining of September 2009. without changing my excercise habits I have lost 35lbs already on this med. I have not experienced any of the noted side-effects, nothing unusual has happened to me other than actually losing weight. I have been trying for 9 years to lose weight and although I was able to drop dramatic amounts with other methods, the weight has all come back, and brought friends with it. With this med, the loss is gradual, but that is best as you are far less likely to gain the weight back if it comes off slowly. I have recommended many friends and co-workers to talk to their Dr's about this product. 35lbs gone, only 45 lbs left to lose!

My husband was on this medicine for 3 weeks and started showing signs of depression. He has NEVER been like this. The medicine was suppressing his appetite, but it's not worth this. After consulting with his doctor, he stopped taking it. I wonder how long it will take to get this out of his system.