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Generic Name: metronidazole

Brand Name: MetroCream topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This medication is expensive, even with insurance, and does not work. I was being told it can take several weeks so went through 2 tubes, twice a day application, over a 3 month period. No improvement and skin looked more greasy and just as many bumps. Read reviews on Prosacea so gave it a try, $8 for Prosacea vs $50 for the metro and the Prosacea worked wonders immediately! The itchung stoped and after day two the bumps were signuficantly reduced and many completely cleared. No need for RX!

I have been using MetroCream for 2 years now and it has significantly helped my rosacea. I still get flare ups once in awhile but overall if I use this 2x a day, along with my probiotic, most people don't even know I have rosacea. I highly recommend it. It did take a couple weeks to show benefits.

After three weeks of using this cream on again and off again, I am very satisfied. I saw noticeable results after one week of applying pretty much 2X/day. General redness on cheeks is now noticeably reduced. The red bumps on my cheeks and chin are almost gone. There still are some flat red spots on my cheeks and redness on my chin, but I have missed a few applications this third week because I was so improved I didn't apply the cream twice a day.

I don't notice much change pertaining to the redness. I could take it or leaving

Applied cream to both cheeks each night before bed. It took about 4 or 5 days,but the lumps went away and the redness was cut it half. Most effective cream that i've used for rosecea.

i had a servere reaction to this cream face turned red and swelled had to go to hospital to get meds for swelling

I had severe Acne rosacea on the left side of my face and nose. This has pretty much taken care of the problem. I am extremely happy with the results.

rosacea on forehead.....have been using it at night only......when I wake up in the morning, redness is completely gone, but by midday the redness and itching are back, so I will now start using it twice a day